Andrzej Sienkiewicz



I have a personal interest in tech, which aligns with my career as a Software Developer. Keen to learn, I apply gained insight in ongoing projects. I have a university education in Computer Science and a bunch of experience working remote and on-site jobs with international teams of professionals – clients and colleagues. I have a logical mind and a friendly attitude, which I employ to further develop my talents and competences in IT.

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Video Trim & Export Tool

Video Trim & Export Tool

Video Trim & Export Tool is a browser-based web application that allows users to upload a video, trim it to the desired length, and export it as MP4, MP3, or GIF. Featuring a clean, modern interface, this tool is built with React and leverages ffmpeg.wasm for client-side processing. This ensures quick and secure handling of video files without the need for server-side operations.

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Strapi Cron Plugin

Strapi Cron Plugin is an open-source addition to the Strapi CMS, designed to simplify the creation, testing, and monitoring of server jobs directly from the CMS dashboard. Built with Node and React, this plugin adheres to the Strapi Design System guidelines, ensuring seamless integration and a consistent user experience. By providing an intuitive interface, it enhances the functionality of Strapi, improving user workflows and the utility of the CMS.

ReactNodeStrapi CMS
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Strapi Cron Plugin
Swiper App

Swiper App

Swiper App is a demo application in which a user can create a profile and swipe through other users' profiles to find a match. The frontend is build with React Native using the Expo framework. The Backend service features a Golang API and a MariaDB SQL database.

GolangSQLReact NativeExpo
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